miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

¡ My Family !

My Family by Sebastian Manrike Morales

¡ My Qualities !

- I solve math problems easily.
- I enjoy math and using computers.
- I like strategy games.
- I wonder how things work.
- I like using logic to solve problems.
- I reason things out.
- I like to use data in my work to measure, calculate, and analyze.

Hability to resolve problems in logic and mathematics. It is essential to scientists and philosophers. By using this type of intelligence use of logical blocks hemisphere. It was predominant in the former unitary concept of "intelligence". People who have a high level in this type of intelligence have sensitivity to logical patterns and relationships, statements and propositions, functions and other related abstractions. An example of character akin intellectual exercise is to solve this intelligence tests that measure IQ.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Personal Information

My name is John Sebastian Manrique Morales. I was born in Manizales, I am 18 years old. I am from Manizales in Villa Kempis neighborhood.